Monday, December 15, 2008

New Books to look out for...

Hi Thr..
Long long time i hv been here.
Hooked up u see. To Clg and i seem to hv started enjoying the new Blog of mine.
Well but ofcourse the Literature i can't forget.

Well i seem to have a nice thought of books i have offlate held on or am planning to...
Let me tell a few ..
1. I recently read this Jeffery Archer book named "As the Crow Flies". It may not be as high the Kane and Abel trilogy but boy it sure was absorbing. Nice and inspiring. Set in early 1900's and stretches upto 1970's. Its a story of Charlie Trumper. This ever so confident and really likeable character. How from being a costermonger he sets up to make the largest Supermarket or Grocery store as he puts it in the world.

2.My sister gifted me this really illustrative and classic epic "Illiad" on my birthday. Well it sure is a classic epic mostly in semi poetry and prose form. More so because the name Homer associates himself as the creator. To be precise, this epic is considered as one greatest epics. The movie 'Troy' depicts only a superficial insight into it. Achilles, the main character along with Helen, Hector and ofcourse Paris. This .. This really amazing book is worth reading. (May ask for patience early on but my Goodness once it picks up it sure is a Roller Coaster.)

3. The third one is a nice self relating book named, "The One minuter manager". This one is written by a famous writer Dr. Spencer Johnson and Mr. Kenneth Blanchard. It is short, Inspiring, practical enough and relatable to all. It gives an insight into how important our time and thinking is, the way and approach to our tasks and the importance one shoes to someone else's time.

Look along... Just a some these are. Do pop up with ur responses and suggestions u hv for me to read.

1 comment:

swati bharadwaj said...

hey your writings have improved a lot
nice reviews....keep it up